

4023 Uppsatser om International Labour Organization - Sida 1 av 269

Arbetsmiljöansvar vid uthyrning av arbetskraft kontra entreprenad

Bemanningsföretagen har sedan legaliseringen 1993 fått fäste på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Bemanningsbranschen innebär en förändring av det traditionella anställningsförhållandet som vanligtvis är tvåpartsrelation till att bli en trepartsrelation. Det har skapat viss problematik, då arbetsrättslig lagstiftning främst är anpassad efter den tvåpartsrelation som ännu anses vanligast. Den reglering som styr arbetsmiljöfrågor är främst Arbetsmiljölagen, vilken kom till då trepartsförhållande var främmande för den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Därmed väcktes frågan om vilken aktör som bär arbetsmiljöansvaret vid uthyrning av arbetskraft samt om arbetsmiljöansvaret skiljer sig vid anlitandet av entreprenad.Syftet blir därför att, genom den rättsdogmatiska metoden, utreda gällande rätt och därigenom få djupare förståelse för komplexiteten kring ämnet.

Herrgårdshushåll i Västmanland. En studie av herrgårdshushåll och arbetsorganisation i Munktorp- och Rytterne socken 1705-1849.

This study aims to investigate the domestic and work organization at the mansions located in the south of Västmanlands county years 1705-1849. The study takes into account the manors' size, ownership, owners' status and social changes. The study includes both large manors with noble owners and smaller manors with bourgeois owners.  The study examines how the households were formed, how they changed over time and how thet may have links to the Manor's ownership and size. The organization of labour is studied on the basis of how it changed over time and what it may have links to the owners ' status and the manors size. The focus is to answer how the connection was between household size, its composition, organization of labour and the owner?s status in the society.  Also if a difference can be seen between the strategies of the noble owners compared to the bourgeois owners..

Den decentraliserade frivilligorganisationen : En fallstudie av Amnesty International Sverige

The purpose of this study was to find an explanation for why Amnesty International in Sweden has seen an increasing number of members, while the number of participants at the national annual meeting has decreased.The method of the study was done with an inductive approach in which the problem has affected the choice of theory and empirical data. The empirical data has been collected through both qualitative and quantitative method in which the analysis was implemented with support by statistics and interviews.To strengthen the arguments in the paper, sociological theories on organizations are used and also theories about social movements.The conclusion of the study is that Amnesty International Sweden has undergone a transformation towards a decentralized organization because it is not longer relevant for people who are members to achieve the purpose of the organization to participate at the annual meeting. This because that these members accesses the recourses they want to achieve by working on a local level. The main conclusion of this study is that Amnesty has moved towards being an organization that to some extent are working as a social movement, where there is no longer any clear link between local work and the central board of Directors. .

FN - i mäktiga staters tjänst En studie av hur FN påverkas av mäktiga stater

The United Nations is an important organization when it comes to international peace and security. Recent events in international politics, however, have brought about a widespread concern about the abilities of the organization. Powerful states have shosen to act outside of the organization to achieve their goals. They have furthermore a disproportionate influence on the decision-making body, the Security Council.The aim of this essay is to examine wheather UN can function productively as keeper of the international peace and security in the political climate of today, and to find out to what extent the powerful states harm the organization. I use a theoretical article, concerning states relations to international organisations, to analyse the acts of powerful states in UN.

Brittiska Labour ? svikare eller frälsare? : Om ett svikt vallöfte eller en räddning av Storbritanniens inflytande i EU.

This Bachelor thesis deals with the act of the British Labour Party when they recalled a referendum promised by former Prime Minister Tony Blair. Tony Blair promised a referendum on the Constitutional Treaty, but his successor Gordon Brown later recalled it when the Lisbon Treaty succeeded the Constitutional Treaty as the legal foundation of the European Union.The main purpose of this thesis was to with help from various theorethical frameworks explain why the Labour Party decided to do this, even if this decision gave the main opposition party, the Conservative and Unionist Party (the Tories), the chance to heavily critisize the Labour Party, and picture them as traitors.The research questions were:? What are the reasons that the Labour Party went from being a Eurosceptical party, to become more pro-European?? Why did the Labour Party cancel the promised referendum on the new treaty of the European Union?Various answers were found for the first research question. Among the most important was that it was a part of the over all transition which led to the launch of New Labour.The second research question was answered with three explanatory models based on actions of the Labour Party on three arenas; the electoral arena (based on power, this model claims that the Labour Party act as they do because the know the Tories would not act differently if they were in office), the parliamentary arena (based on ideology, this model claims that Labour want the Lisbon Treaty because it has a stronger social dimension than earlier treaties) and the internal arena (based on the problem of identification, this model claims that the Labour Party identifies itself with the British government, and not just the voters, and are afraid of damaging Britain?s influence in the EU and international politics if Britain says ?no? to the Lisbon Treaty)..

A spaghetti bowl of preferences? : om preferentiella handelsavtals påverkan på WTO

The aim of this thesis is to clarify the affect that preferential and regional trade agreements have on the World Trade Organization (WTO), as being establisher of the international trading regime. The essay is an explanatory literature study, which strives to answer the following questions:Are regional and preferential trade agreements a threat or a complement to the WTO?Is an undermining of the MFN principle weakening the WTO?How do regional trade agreements made by the EU affect the future of the WTO?The empirical material is to be analyzed using an explanatory framework, which is based on neo-liberal instutionalism, theories on regime changes and a game theoretical approach, using prisoner?s dilemma. I will employ the EU-ACP relation, the Cotonou agreement to exemplify how an agreement of this kind can have an influence on multilateral trade. The result shows that preferential agreements do have an impact on the WTO, one that is fairly negative in scope.

Vi i individualismens samhälle? : En studie över fackföreningsorganisationens ställning i det individualistiska samhället

In Sweden, the labour movement historically had influenced both society and politics. In recent times, it is considered a change in society with a stronger employer party while the unions weakened by reduced unionisation. This study aims to highlight the presence of individualistic and collectivistic approaches to the labour market in relation to union density. The different approaches are investigated in the labour market by means of a quantitative survey. The study's survey items are workers in the timber industry.

Internationella biblioteket ? från lånecentral till publikt bibliotek

This master thesis is a study of the Swedish Lending Centre for immigrant literature (ILC), which opened in 1991. The purpose of the thesis is to examine problems and possibilities in the organization of ILC, which has a number of powerful stakeholders. In this study focus has been on the development of the organization, and especially on the planning of the conversion of the non-public Lending Centre to a library open to public (to be called the International Library in Stockholm) that will be inaugurated in May 2000. ILC is governmentally financed, but incorporated in the organization of the public library in Stockholm. Other stakeholders, except the Swedish Government and Stockholm City, are the County of Stockholm, the staff of ILC, and the public libraries that use the Centre's long-distance-lending facilities.

Jämlika villkor? En diskursanalys av LOs presentation av arbetskraftsinvandring under åren 2000-2006

Central labour market actors have come to an agreement ? Sweden is going to need labour migration. In spite of the agreement the actors disagree upon how the labour migration should be designed. This essay examines how the union organisation, LO presents labour migration in their rapports during the years 2000-2006. This is done through Laclau and Mouffes discourse theory and a merge with postcolonial theory.

Jobbcoachning : En undersökning om hur jobbcoachernas coachningsprocess ser ut

Labour market coaching (Swedish:?Jobbcoachning?) was a comprehensive political project for the Swedish labour market, with the aim of helping unemployed individuals to enter the labour market. Between 2009-2014  the labour market coaching was carried out by private companies through governmental regulations. This thesis aims to find out (1) what coaching activities the coaches used, and (2) how these coaching activities can be understood in the light of previous scientific research. My results consist of interviews conducted with six labour market coaches.

Varför engagera sig om man riskerar livet? : Motiv till fackligt deltagande hos kvinnor i Colombia

Why engage if it risks your life?Motives to participation in labour unions among women in ColombiaEssay in Political Science D-levelAuthor: Susanna SvenssonTutor: Hans LödénWhy do people choose to participate in politics when it is such a small chance that you actually make a change? Also political participation favours the collective and therefore you do not get any personal advantages for your contribution. Even more interesting is the question of why you participate when it puts yourself in a position of danger? Colombia is considered to be the most dangerous country to be a member of labour unions in and it would therefore be a context where it is unlikely to find participation. This study is based on thirteen qualitative interviews with Colombian female union members with the aim to understand why people engage in labour unions despite threats of violence and other obstacles, when the most likely would be to abstain from action.

Arbetsförmedlingens kulturpolitiska betydelse : En idéanalys av den svenska kulturpolitikens roll inom arbetsmarknadspolitiken

The aim of this paper is to research and discuss the role the cultural politics play for the Swedish employment office (Arbetsförmedlingen) and the meaning culture politics have within the labour market policy. A research has shown that Arbetsförmedlingen evaluates unemployed cultural workers differently than regular registered jobseekers. From an instrumental perspective on political implementation this can be considered as an anomali. Arbetsförmedlingen?s mandate derives from the government and its authority is a tool for carrying out state policy.

Omvärldsanpassning inom ideell sektor : en fallstudie om förändring i strukturen av internationella avdelningen på Svenska kyrkan

Over the last few years, many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the aid sector have grown and become important economic, social and political actors in Sweden. However this sector has also been hard criticized in terms of aid effectiveness. Church of Sweden (CoS), a well established organization in this sector, has faced new challenges in form of demands from their environment regarding reporting aid work. These demands have pushed the International Department of Church of Sweden into a process for adapting the structure in order to meet the new effectiveness requirements. Using both, Contingency Theory and Resource Dependence Theory as theoretical framework and a single case study as research strategy, this master thesis goes in deep into the description of the change of the structure of the International Department. This work shows how the different parts of the organization functions and what impact will these changes in the structure mean for the future of the organization. The analysis of the empirical evidence related to the theoretical framework shows that the organization responds to external demands through a more centralized structure than before.

Internationell tvistlösning inom immaterialrättens område : Utvecklingen av tvistlösningsmekanismer och dess genomslag

International conventions signifies international trade, which in itself would be ineffective if there were no dispute settlement mechanisms. This essay intends to examine how dispute settlement mechanisms between states have developed over the years and a large emphasis is placed on the World Trade Organizations (WTO) Dispute Settlement Body since it?s had great significance for the efficiency of international law. In order to show the need for dispute settlement mechanisms, a background to the conventions that have called for the development of the DSB is in order. This essay focuses on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), and the agreement that currently regulate intellectual property rights, Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), but also its connection to the DSB.

Arbetstidsdireketivets påverkan av den svenska arbetstidslagen : I vilken utsträckning kan parterna på arbetsmarknaden stifta kollektivavtal?

Sweden became a member of the European Union in 1995. When Sweden entered the Union the government also agreed on implementing every law, regulation and directive the Union have and will have in force. One directive the Union wants every country to implement is the Directive (93/104/EG) concerning certain aspects of the organization of working time. This directive includes regulations concerning the relationship between employer and employees. The regulations in the directive must be in force before January 1 2007.One of the main points in the directive is the possibility for the parties on the labour market to reach agreements through collective agreements that deviate from the legislation concerning work hours.

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